Taking 360⁰ images can be expensive and time-consuming. Depending on the camera manufacturer, prices can reach into the thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. So you want to capture 360⁰ images, the only question is “Do I hire out or do it myself?”

360⁰ spherical photography & video camera

Ricoh’s compact Theta S is an impressively portable 360⁰ camera with instant one-button capture. Here’s some of the benefits, the considerations, and why you might care.


  • One of the easiest 360⁰ cameras on the market
  • Instant capture
  • Seamless stitching
  • Portable and hand-held


  • Limited storage space
  • Average resolution


Ricoh Theta S is a Do-It-Yourself Camera.

Capturing 360⁰ spherical images is no longer just for professional photographers, courtesy el Ricoh. Their competitive pricing will further normalize 360⁰ technology usage among consumers. Theta S is by far one of the easiest 360⁰ cameras available on the market. Highly recommended for those who enjoy photography and those who need photography.

Other 360⁰ cameras may struggle with stitching front and back lenses into one coherent photo. The Theta S is noteworthy for instant and seamless stitching. Theta S is also remarkably suited for capturing closed areas, confined spaces, or the distance you may have comfortably talking with someone. I wouldn’t recommend attempting to show the detail of the Grand Canyon with a 360⁰ image. The resolution is just so-so. For capturing the best quality 360⁰ images with the Ricoh Theta S, imagine a bubble the size of a 4-car garage… that is about the distance I recommend for a capture zone resolution-wise. Beyond that distance you may risk losing resolution.

That being said, I see a broader implication due to the Theta’s design. The technology for 360⁰ photography is relatively nothing new, but Ricoh’s design to make 360⁰ for everyone is exciting! The portable device enables professionals from diverse industries to share what is occurring in their ‘sphere’ in the moment. Some examples include but are not limited to:

  • Live stream of an intimate dinner toast during an event.
  • Realtors might feature walk-in pantries or closet using 360⁰ images highlighting property listings.
  • Vehicle listings will sell of an RV, motor homes, or used cars, and their unique interior conditions at every angle.

Overall, Ricoh Theta S is rated as “remarkable.” Travel and user-friendly this 360⁰ camera will be incorporated as an additional marketing tool. I see this device being used by business professionals even with little photography experience.

Theta S

  • Amazon.com

Theta SC

  • Ricoh (US Store)

Theta S

  • Ricoh (US Store)